42cm × 60cm
Digital, printed on paper, with red stamp. Use of Photoshop. Background layer-Inverted scan of my own calligraphy brushwork 42x59.4cm which features the text of a classical poem written by Wang Xizhi in AD353. Next layer-Photo of the blurry face I painted in Artwork 2. Next layer-Digital painting done in MediPaint. Next layer-Red stamp on the figure’s arm applied after the printing. The detail view is from the digital file.
Lannie Lan
Grade 12
This shows contrast between classical Chinese literati and hip-hop stylization. The former includes traditional calligraphy, a microphone wire which has the line quality of traditional painted orchid leaves, red sign stamp, and medium of black ink. Hip-hop is shown in the body pose, microphone, oversized clothes, and askew hat. My own personal character includes a combination of hip-hop and classical Chinese literati culture. Therefore I take myself as an example of extreme contrasts co-existence.
40cm × 27cm
Digital photography
Regina Xu
Grade 12
The background is continuing a linear motif from my previous artwork, called Forest, which also shows women’s indirectness. In the artwork, the outside female eats the knife and inside closes the mouth. This means that women accept men but also revolts them. The knife shows that men try to understand women with aggressiveness. The knife also has sexual innuendo. |
Tie Up
40cm × 26cm
Digital photography
Regina Xu
Grade 12
People intend to hide the truths about themselves in the face of others, for reasons that are often positive, but tie themselves up. The colored flowers are chrysanthemums which show truth. This muzzle protects the self and also protects others.
Sakura with Wind: Motion Photography after the Composition of Edvard Munch's Scream
Regina Xu
Digital photography
Grade 11
30cm × 44cm
Bell Wang
Digital photography
Grade 10
Roni Bar
Digital photography
Grade 9
Roni Bar
Digital photography
Grade 9
Roni Bar
Digital photography
Grade 9
Maryanne Uselton
Digital photography
Grade 9
Christophe Byron
Digital photography
Grade 9
T-shirt design
John Glover
Digital photography
Grade 12
Mike Wen
Grade 12
Tasha Kloehn
Grade 11